11/25/12 G.L.A.D. Chronicles Week 8 – Reunions, God’s Presence, Life’s Presents

Cousins Kevin and Hayley
November 23, 2012

What an unexpected turn in the road my life has taken in the past few weeks. It started with a text from someone I hadn’t heard from in quite a while. At the time, the text annoyed me, because it caused a slight chink in the invisible wall I’d taken great effort to put all around me to keep out pain. I considered the text and answered as politely as possible. The person texted back. Really? Are we seriously going to go to that invisible place where I have to decide if I’m going to risk letting hurt and rejection in again? I truly didn’t want to. I more honestly wanted to scream at this person to leave me alone, I was having a hard enough time balancing the façade I tried to keep in place that showed everything is just peachy keen. She kept texting. Tenacious woman, I’ll give her that. I wouldn’t capitulate, but I left the door to my emotions open very slightly.

The next day led to more texts, from another female. That part of the wall dedicated to her crumbled a little, but certainly not entirely. I have become way too wary about humans to believe things can work themselves out that easily. Over the next few days, we texted and got to know each other a little better. This was a great way for me to communicate. I didn’t feel the pressure I can feel speaking on a phone. And I don’t tend to put my foot in my mouth so much. I felt a little light streaming into my heart where it’d been pretty dark for the past few years.

The calendar indicated Thanksgiving week was approaching. I could probably never adequately explain the vortex of confusion I feel every year beginning shortly before Thanksgiving and ending around January 2nd. Melancholy, missing those who have passed away or are gone from my life, the endless effort to seek the spiritual and divine meaning of the holidays, the sad observations of how ugly some people can get at this time of year when we’re supposed to celebrate love, the retailers never-ending campaign to reach into my pockets for money I don’t have and don’t care to use a credit card so I can pretend I do. Lastly, well-meaning people putting their hand out to take some of that same non-existent money to further some holiday campaign.

This year, I continue to say ‘no’ to the things that make me unhappy about the holidays, and my focus is on spreading some love to people who typically get ignored. They’re not poverty level, they’re the working poor. People who work incredibly hard at their jobs, but just don’t make enough to do much more than keep the heat and lights on and gas in the car. It is brilliantly fun to see the smile on a waitress’ face when I leave a possibly extravagant tip, as I listen to her story of working two jobs and being on her feet all day. I don’t just leave the tip, I give my time and listen to their story, express appreciation for their great work and kindness. Some of the time, you can see these people don’t hear nearly often enough that they’re appreciated. The feeling I get doing so is simply priceless.

I got a chance to visit with my great-niece Hayley and her family this week. What a gift this was to me! We had the most delicious lunch at Waffle House, went to see “Wreck It Ralph” at the cinema and did a little Christmas shopping at WalMart. I had the best time, and that flipping waffle was so unbelievably good. I bought a coffee cup from Waffle House to remember the day by! I haven’t seen Hayley recently, as they live out-of-town. It’s a joy to see what an interesting and wonderful human this girl is evolving into. I have to give a high-five to her folks, they’re doing a great job. The visit put a warmth into my holidays that has lacked a little.

I also got to enjoy a very nice Thanksgiving day with my family at home. I’ve decided the only thing that even remotely competes with my enjoyment of a Robert Downey, Jr. movie is a fragrant Honeybaked ham warming in my oven! Both cause copious drooling! I spent the evening enjoying conversation with family members at my brother Jon’s house. Previous years found the group gathering around the table a little larger in number. Some have passed on, others had different destinations this year. I found it one of the nicest times I can remember.

I’ve so strongly felt God everywhere I’ve been. He’s there when I’ve acted like a decent human. Unfortunately, he could see me when I was meaner than a junkyard dog! His unwavering presence is my greatest present of all, this holiday season. I hope to show more of His love as I celebrate Jesus’ birth.

Whatever you may or may not celebrate over the next few weeks, I wish you the best blessings, love and light.


12/23/11 My Christmas Wish For You

Christmas cards with angels, scandinavian “nis...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s been such a busy time. I’ve noticed that the things I didn’t get around to in the past few years are the same things I didn’t get to this year either.

Sending out Christmas cards.

I even went so far as to put the cards I bought last year out on my dining room table (among the temporary home of the Polar Express set at the North Pole, courtesy of my son.) I looked at the bag nearly every night. I passed the bag often on my way to: working for a living, working on Christmas gifts for my elderly friends, writing poetry, journaling, breathing, watching Christmas films with my family and endless episodes of “Antiques Roadshow”. My husband is a bit addicted to the show! Alas, the bag didn’t get put into use. Maybe next year.

Losing X number of pounds by Christmas.

Nope, didn’t get that accomplished either. I gave that one a lot more thought and even an infrequent effort or two. Alas, I am still my soft, squishy self and the cats continue to love sleeping on my cushiony softness. In my next life, I would make a great role of toilet tissue. 🙂

Learn to stop getting annoyed at a second’s notice and popping my cork.

Well, I’m still menopausal, so I don’t really suppose this one is a realistic hope until that phase of my life is finished. How much it’s got to do with it, I’m not sure, but that’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Actually, if I really think about it, I have probably made a wee bit of progress in this area. Or I’m deluding myself and I’m still a nasty old bat!

Have my life all together and be the picture of total contentment.

I’m sorry, I was so busy laughing at the notion of this last one that I forgot to keep typing. I’ve come to the conclusion that as long as I breathe on this earth, I’m going to remain a human and continue making mistakes at the rate of about 1,000 per day. The good news is: God has my back and He’s nowhere as clueless as I am!

Remember to send out Christmas greetings on time.

Hey, wait, I AM wishing my dear friends a Merry Christmas on time! You CAN teach an old cat lady new tricks. Yay, there may be hope for me yet! 🙂

My Christmas wish for you is that whoever you are, whatever you believe, and wherever you are in life at this time; I wish for you a very Merry Christmas, peace in your heart, discernment for God’s will in your life, family and true friends to support you and cushion the ride when life gets bumpy. And it will. As long as you’re breathing and taking up space on this planet, it will. But just like for me, God’s got your back if you let Him.

Now THAT’S an awesome thought at Christmastime.

Happy Birthday Jesus!

& Blessings to you!